Landscape Analysis and Modeling

Materials for Landscape Analysis and Modeling course at the University of Tulsa


Syllabus - PDF or Web


Assignments & Due Dates at a Glance

Tutorials & Exercises

View the Project on GitHub mltConsEcol/TU_LandscapeAnalysis_Documents

Assignment 1: QGIS Tutorial

Due: 21 Jan 2016; worth 10 points

*Note: This material is available online at

Getting to Know GIS/QGIS

GIS is a powerful tool for analysis and visualization of spatial data. This assignment is designed to get students familiar with one popular open-source tool, QGIS.

For this assignment, go through the tutorial provided in class and available at, with the available sample data, and produce a final map, similar to the one at the end of the tutorial. Some steps in the tutorial are not necessary to produce the map, but highlight useful tools in QGIS, and illustrate valuable geospatial operations (e.g., the Spatial Join and the Zonal Statistics).

The final map should have the following elements:

Students should work together to solve problems and figure out workflows, but everybody should turn in their own maps. Please put your name on your final map.