Detailed Schedule
Week 1: Intro to Landscape Ecology and GIS
Jan. 12, 2016
- Agenda:
- Introductions
- Logistics
- Lecture: Introduction to Landscape Ecology and GIS
Jan. 14, 2016
- Readings:
- Agenda:
- Discuss reading assignment
- Notes about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
- Exploring QGIS
Week 2: Some Basics of Spatial Data; Intro to R
Jan. 19, 2016
- Agenda:
- Lecture
- Some Basic Stats
- Things to be Aware of with Spatial Data
- Stationarity
- Spatial Dependence and Autocorrelation
- Accessing GIS Data
Jan. 21, 2016
Assignment 1 Due
- Readings
- Agenda
- Discuss Reading Material
- Work on Assignment 2
- Download GIS Data and Make Your Own Map - see info on getting data
- Introduction to R - answer the questions throughout the document
Week 3: Nearest Neighbor Analyses; Ripley's K
Jan. 26, 2016
- Agenda
- Testing Hypotheses - focus on Ordinary Least Squares regression
- Complete Population Data
- Simple Nearest Neighbor Analyses
- Ripley's K
Feb. 2, 2016
Assignment 2 Due
- Readings:
- Agenda:
- Discuss Reading Material
- Work on Assignment 3
- Working with Scripts in R
- Getting Data into R
- Basic Simple Linear Regression in R
- Introducing R Packages
- Ripley's K analyses in R
Week 4: Other Techniques for Complete Sample Data
Feb. 4, 2016
Feb. 9, 2016
Assignment 3 Due
- Readings:
- Agenda:
- Discuss Reading Material
- Work on Assignment 4
- Getting YOUR data into R
- Quadrat Variance Analyses - Setting up sample data in R and Analysis in PASSaGE
Week 5: Quantifying Landscape Configuration: Lecture
Feb. 11, 2016
- Agenda
- Complete Population Data: Raster Datasets
- An Introduction to Fragstats
- Landscape and Class Metrics
Feb. 16, 2016
Assignment 4 Due
- Readings:
- Agenda
- Discuss Reading Material
- Patch Metrics
- Surface Metrics
Week 6: Quantifying Landscape Configuration: Lab
Feb. 18, 2016
Feb. 23, 2016
Week 7: Testing for Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran's i and Geary's c)
Feb. 25, 2016
- Agenda
- Lecture about Join Count Analysis and Testing for Spatial Autocorrelation
Mar. 1, 2016
Assignment 5 Due - Part 1 and Part 2
Week 8: Multivariate Spatial Relationships
Mar. 3, 2016
Agenda Lecture about Variograms, Mantel Tests, Spatial Regression (GLS)
Mar. 8, 2016
Assignment 6 Due
Week 9: Species Distribution Models: Lecture
Mar. 10, 2016
- Agenda
- Lecture about Species Distribution Modeling
Mar. 22, 2016
Assignment 7 Due
Spring Break - Have Fun! (And start getting data together for projects!)
Week 10: Species Distribution Models: Lab
Mar. 24, 2016
Mar. 29, 2016
Week 11: Animal Movement
Mar. 31, 2016
Apr. 5, 2016
Week 12: Landscape Connectivity
Apr. 7, 2015
Apr. 12, 2015
Week 13: Project Status Updates/Sort Out Problems; Future of Landscape Ecology
Apr. 14, 2015
Apr. 19, 2015
Week 14: Presentations
Apr. 21, 2015
Apr. 21, 2015